On the heels of the stunning Federations cover comes this from the next issue of Electric Velocipede:
(click to embiggen)
Isn’t it lovely? Also, I must point out that I’m sharing a TOC with fellow Altered Fluidians Mercurio D. Rivera and Matthew Kressel. Also of note: Richard Bowes, Yoon Ha Lee, and Caroline Yoachim.
Yes, I do see Will Shetterly, too. I am trying to pretend he is not there.
There are plenty of fabulous writers in this issue and you must buy it. You know you want to. If you don’t buy and read it, well…
Aw, fuck, now I’m Suresh? Kill me!
Wow. I hope the cover to mine is as nice as that one.
He really is a fun guy if you don’t know what he’s like when race comes up…
Happy writer – persons!
Love, C
ZOMG! Threat of violence!