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Daily Writing Exercises Returns! Get ready for NaNoWriMo (or not-NaNo)

It’s almost October, which means it’s almost November, which means that a bunch of writers around the world are about to take part in the ritual of setting a goal to write fifty thousand words in one month. NaNo excitement!

Given all this writerly energy in the air, this is also a great time of year to try and get back into a regular writing practice, if possible (sometimes it really, really isn’t). If that’s something you’re interested in, allow me to tempt you with the Daily Writing Exercises email series.

Practice and warm-ups are fundamental to every artistic discipline, writing included. Doing short writing exercises or prompts can help kick your brain into creative gear without pressure and keep your writing muscles limber on days when you don’t have the time or energy to work on your work in progress. They’re especially useful for writers in a slump or who constantly feel blocked due to stress, uncertainty, or just not wanting to write due to to the state of the world.

There are a ton of us. You’re not alone.

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Daily Writing Exercises: Preptober + NaNoWriMo 2020

Practice and warm-ups are fundamental to every artistic discipline, writing included. Especially when you’re gearing up to set down 50,000 words in 30 days.

Doing a 10 – 20 minute writing exercise can help kick your brain into creative gear without pressure, give you the chance to try out new craft skills, or simply keep your writing muscles limber on days when you don’t have the time or energy to work on your work in progress.

Whether you’re getting ready for NaNoWriMo, or starting a new long fiction project, or just want to try building a daily writing practice, this course is for you.

Click here to Register

Part 1 – Preptober (Reg Ended)

Starting October 1 you’ll get a short writing exercise via email every day for a month. These exercises will give you an opportunity to play around with voice, point of view, dialogue, and other aspects of craft plus help you get to know your characters better and dig into details of your setting. You can use the exercises to prepare for NaNoWriMo, or a non-NaNo project, or as warm-ups before starting on your current work in progress.

Part 2 – NaNoWriMo

Starting November 1 you’ll get a different set of writing exercises via email every day for a month. The November exercises will all relate directly to your work in progress, diving into the characters, the world, and the plot in ways that will help you keep moving forward.

You can sign up for Part 2 for $45. Grants are still available for those who can’t afford the registration fee.


There are a total of 10 grants available to writers who need them. Grants are for both parts of class. Five grants are available to Black, Indigenous, and other Writers of Color, five are available to any writer from any identity background.

To apply, fill out this form. You’ll be asked to provide a personal statement (up to 500 words) and a statement of financial need (300 words). Please Note: I define financial need broadly, from those who absolutely can’t pay to those who may have the money but can’t set it aside for a writing course. Don’t self reject!


Do I have to be doing NaNo to take this course?

Nope! If you just want a month or two of writing exercises that will help you with your fiction or get you into a daily writing practice, this course is for you.

What are the technical requirements?

Just an email account.

Can I donate so more people get grants?

Yes! And you’d be the absolute best for doing so. Click here to donate via PayPal. You can pay to cover the full grant price or just part of one. Any amount donated is appreciated.

Daily Writing Exercises - New Year's Resolution Edition 2020

Daily Writing Exercises – New Year’s Resolution Edition 2020

Is one of your New Year’s Resolutions to write more? Do you want to try building a daily (or at least regular) writing practice? Looking for some creative inspiration for new stories? This class is for you.

Starting January 15, you’ll get a 10 – 20 minute long writing exercise via email every day for 31 days. For the first few weeks the exercises will lean toward the generative, allowing you to play around with craft and character and setting while planting story seeds in your brain. Once those seeds start to grow, the later exercises will help you know more about your characters and the world they inhabit.

Even if you already have stories or novels in progress, you can use these exercises to kick your brain into creative gear without pressure and get into the habit of practicing every day. Doing a short writing exercise can keep your writing muscles limber on days when you don’t have the time or energy to work on your work in progress.

Because many writers thrive on community and support, all participants will have access to a private chat space on Discord where they can share their experience with the exercises and support each other through the month. This is optional! You can also do the exercises on your own and never speak to anyone else ever. ;)

The course costs $40 and grants are available for those who can’t afford it.

Sound good? Register Now or keep reading for more details.

All the deets.