Tempest and Stephen, originally uploaded by saw76.
I feel like smiling because my life is so awesome. Also because I love that other dude in the picture a lot (in a platonic way, people!) and he always makes me smile. Yay me.
What makes you happy in your life? What makes you smile? I want pictures!
My adorable cat Petra (who has a broken leg at the moment, which is less for the happy, but she is still a smoochie puss) and my set of Fall Out Boy action figures, which I keep at work. I am nothing if not professional. Also, when I’m having a bad day, a box of plastic bandboys is full of so much inherent ridiculousness they never fail to make me giggle.
I’ve just noticed this was posted in July. That’s what happens when you randomly follow links. But what the hell.
Man, you looking so cute in that post made me smile! This smiling stuff is catching.
My beloved kitteh.
He’s survived cancer (twice), and has been living as a tripod for the last year, but I wuv him.
Also, my husband, but he’s not as furry or stripy and he doesn’t purr as well.
that cat is indeed adorable.
My cat being adorable.
http://pics.livejournal.com/alankria/pic/0001ye4d/s320x240 (taken when I was trying to pack for Wiscon)
(Wiscon as well, actually, made me immensely happy, despite the stomach flu part.)
As requested.
This makes me happy.
Murderous Fish Theater makes me laugh… a lot…
(As does any day I’m at the glass studio with my awesome friend/boss Leah!)
I’ve got the Muppets to keep me in smiles today and am happy to hear that your life is awesome.
Have a nice weekend.