Nisi and I have a new class coming up that’s designed to be accessible on several fronts. It’s five weeks long with no set meeting times, so folks from all over the globe can participate. It’s a text-based class with some recorded video lectures, all with closed captions and a transcript, that will take place in a private web space designed to work with screen readers.
The class costs $500, but we have payment plans available, some spots set aside for Pay What Your Can Afford, and full ride scholarships. Plus, if you’re a writer of color or Native writer, ping me. I have a discount code specifically for folks who fit in this category.
Our hope is that all this addresses most barriers to taking the class!
We start April 6 and go through May 14.
This class covers several different aspects of writing Diverse Fiction or Representative Fiction, including description and “the Other,” dialogue and dialect, identifying and avoiding stereotypes and tropes across multiple identities, characterization, worldbuilding, and research. All students will get access to four Master Classes on writing Native American characters, Trans and Non-binary Narratives, Deaf and Blind Characters, plus a lecture on Worldbuilding from Max Gladstone.
All the details are over at the Writing the Other website and registration is open!