In case you don’t read Fantasy every day (and why not?!) I want to draw your attention to an announcement we just put up. We’re going to start podcasting radio plays (or, more properly: audio dramas :as the plays won’t necessarily be on the radio) next year and so we’re accepting script submissions starting September 1. I know at least one person who’ll be excited about this. We’re looking for original scripts OR stuff adapted from existing stories.
I suspect a lot of writers will want to do adaptations but might wonder and worry if an author would mind having their story turned into a play. They have to get permission, of course. So I thought it would be a good idea to gather in one place a list of authors who would like to see their stories adapted. If you are such an author, please comment. Put the URL to your website in the URL field (which will be the click through on your name), a link to your bibliography, and a link to where folks can contact you.
Keep in mind that comments below are NOT the same as permission to adapt a story. It’s merely an indication that the author is interested. Any script writers who want to adapt a story should contact the author directly.
I should also note that the rights and permissions for audio plays are not the same as audio rights. Thus, if you allow someone to adapt your story into a radio drama, it should not affect your ability to sell the audio/podcast rights.
ETA: Somehow in all of this I forgot to mention that I am open to people adapting my stories as well. Bibliography link is at the top of the page, as is the Contact link.