31 Days of Jewelry – Big Roundup

It’s been more than 31 days, I know. I still have beads. I gotta keep going until there are no more beads! To that end, this week I made a ton of jewelry and much of it is still available.

All the prices are in the description (hover or click to see). If you’d like to buy, say so in the comments1. Be sure to leave your real email address.

If someone else claims a thing before you do and you really want it, say so. The first person might drop out.

Now, on to the jewelry!




Prayer Beads

I started out beading by making prayer bead sets and rosaries aimed at less mainstream spiritual paths. With several of these I have a note in there about how the beads were chosen for their properties and not their looks. Some of these beads are not of the highest quality in terms of being free of inclusions, perfectly round, etc. None of those things change the benefits of the stone, though, making them better suited to prayer beads than jewelry.

My suggestions on how to use the Pagan/Goddess Rosaries can be found on my Tumblr. And if you want ideas on how to pray with any of the others I am happy to offer them up.

Please share this post widely! As I get close to the end of my project I am eager to get these all out the door.


  1. FYI – if you’re a first time commenter yours may end up in moderation. Don’t worry if it does not show up at first. Dibs go to the first person according to the time stamp. []

31 Days of Jewelry – A Blast From The Past

When looking for something else I found a cache of jewelry I made long ago for myself that I never wear (I didn’t even miss them!). I’m having trouble letting go of some pieces, but others really do deserve a better home than the back of my closet. So here they are.

Click the images to see a larger version and full description. As always, comment on the post if you want to purchase.

EDIT: Someone just bought all of the earrings. Yes, all of them at once :)

I may yet find more older jewelry. If I do, I’ll post here first!

31 Days of Jewelry – Week 2 Roundup

I’ve been a busy jewelry making bee this week! Several of the items got snapped up right away, but there are a few still available and some new ones from this weekend. See something you like? Say something in the comments.

Available/new stuff first.

The Dangling Moon
The Dangling Moon earrings – $20

Moonstone and leaf chain danglies. If you want sterling silver earhooks it’ll cost $2 extra.

I have a lot of moonstone, so expect to see some variations on this theme. Sadly, I’m almost out of that leaf chain. I quite like it and keep finding new uses for it.

Madame X's Tears - earrings
Madame X’s Tears – earrings – SOLD!

The only stone I know for sure is the carnelian. The blue tears are a stone, I just can’t remember which. The black rectangle might be jet. The pendant I made to go with these went right away, leaving the poor earrings to exist on their own. I have copper earhooks to match but can swap in sterling silver if you need (again for $2 extra).

tipt with autumn's pencil
Tipt With Autumn’s Pencil bracelet – $20

Made this with jasper, agate, and a ceramic center piece strung on a stretchy string (no clasp, yay!). This particular one is sized to my wrist — about 7.5 – 8 inches — but I have enough of these beads to make at least two more. If you have a smaller wrist I can make a smaller version.

Tipt With Autumn's Data
Tipt With Autumn’s Data bracelet – $30
Tipt With Autumn's Data
4GB flash drive

Same basic design but with a couple of twists. First, I linked up the beads instead of stringing them. Also, the clasp on this one is a 4GB flash drive. Wear your backups! And yes, I have enough material to make a couple more of these. This one is about 8 inches around, but I can modify to fit smaller or larger wrists.

Turquoise Statement Necklace
Turquoise Statement Necklace — approx 20″ — SOLD!

This one is still available!

Complimentary Colors
Complimentary Colors – SOLD!

As is this one: amethyst, Chinese turquoise, silver chain, magnetic clasp.

If you’re interested in any of these, call dibs in the comments!

Here are the other pieces I made this week, which have already sold. If you want to see stuff as I make it each day, follow me on Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, or Facebook.

Click on the pictures for descriptions and names. If you see something you like and want e to make something similar, ask. I may have the materials to do so. General comments on the jewelry also very welcome!

31 Days of Jewelry – Day 3

Finally had a stroke of inspiration and reworked the design of the necklace with the turquoise and jet beads. It’s now a really long necklace that’s meant to wrap around two or three times depending on the wearer’s preference. Here’s the final design:

Turquoise Cross
click to embiggen

I haven’t finalized the wire yet. I still need to find the right way to attach the cross so the wire isn’t going though the center. Also haven’t decided if this necklace needs a clasp or if it’s better off without one. Suggestions in the comments are welcome.

I had some beads left over–just enough for a matching bracelet.

Turquoise Cross bracelet

This one I won’t finalize until I sell it. Want to size it correctly for the wrist of the wearer.

Price for the necklace… I haven’t decided. It’s been a long time since I sold anything. What’s a good price? The bracelet I’ll sell for $10. If interested, holla!