I’ve been rather busy the past few weeks and I owe many of you many emails. Please forgive me! There’s been a lot of upheaval here at Casa de Tempest the past couple of months and I’m just now getting to the point where I can stop panicking.
I’m taking on several web design projects right now and just (mostly) completed one: DenaLandon.com.
I did the last design of Dena’s site (and it was very pretty, if I say so myself) but we both felt it was time for an update. This time I put her on a WordPress blog so she could make text updates herself and also integrate the blog into the actual site and run away from Blogger forever. I’m quite proud of this one, as it’s the most I’ve had to modify a WP theme and I pulled it off. WordPress as CMS works out pretty well for sites like this.
I also created the images along the top and in the background. They’re all based on the cover art, though I had to fuss with it a bit and work around the title and author name a lot. I haven’t used masks in forever, but rediscovered that function working on this site, nicely paralleling my learning about them for the first time for the original design.
I have three other projects right now and I’m also looking for more design work. If you need a simple (but pretty) website or want me to set up a WordPress blog and maybe tweak a theme for you, drop me an email. I’m going to squeeze in a bunch before the month is up and the Write-a-thon is in full swing.