I’m not the only person who was so busy yesterday that I forgot to mention that the Write-a-thon started. I was actually at a writing retreat since last Thursday and we came back down from the mountains yesterday. Still, I got a decent start on the first chapter of the novel and some ideas to use for the upcoming ones.
It’s only Tuesday and I’m sure I’ll make this week’s goal! That’s an excellent start.
The Clarion West kids have probably finished up their first crit session by now. I’m so jealous! Good luck guys and gals and others. I hope CW is as awesome as it was my year.
In other Write-a-thon news, I now have $820 in pledged money. Yay! However, I am $180 short of my goal. It is NOT too late to get in on this. Even if you can only afford $5/week, that is still very helpful. Join the ranks of the generous people who sponsored me! Just email: sponsorkt, which is a gmail address.
And on a related note, Sunday was Octavia Butler’s birthday. It coincided this year with the arrival of the new CW class, and I know Leslie, Neile, and Kate (amongst many others) are missing her particularly now.
Part of why I am so motivated to raise money in this write-a-thon is because half of it goes to the Butler Memorial Scholarship. It’s one way I honor Octavia’s memory — by helping writers of color attend Clarion and Clarion West, something that made a big difference in her life, and mine, too.
And last, I’ll show you a small snippet of the chapter I’m working on:
All of the shrines and [temples] in –ward were built along the wall that separated the City from the outside. It was so high and so thick that the citizens rarely heard sounds from the greater world. Every [god] had a small house here, but the houses of Nebt-hut, Anpuu and Heqat stood above them all, Nebt-hut’s columns reaching almost the height of the wall.
The girls waited impatiently for their mother to catch up before walking on to the [temple] of Heqat. They made to rush into the birthing room, but Tian called them back.
“You have to be clean before you can go in. To keep Akana and the baby safe.”
While they washed their hands, arms, and feet, their mother dressed them in blue Heqat shifts that smelled of myrrh and chamomile. She prepared herself, slipping on a jeweled headband that marked her as high [priestess].
“Now we can go in.”
Kamisi took Miu’s hand and they entered quietly, the atmosphere of the room transforming their excitement into reverence. They were about to witness their first birth.