Tea Time Pride Month Header

Happy Pride + Ruby @ ALA + BIPOC Book Fair | June 2022 Tea Time With Tempest

Happy Pride, everyone 🌈

This month has been hard–especially here at the end–for a lot of us in America. One minute we’re celebrating Juneteenth, the next we’re mourning the loss of rights. I often get frustrated and angry about how little power I have to change things and how feeble the suggestions are for fixing what’s wrong with our country (voting is only the most basic thing you can do and not the most effective, but that’s a rant for another time).

However, a wise elder recently told me that I can’t hold on to frustration at what I can’t change. I need to focus on what I can and should be doing. I was put on this Earth to make art and build community. That’s how I’m going to contribute to making things better. Imma keep writing. Imma keep holding space for the marginalized. Imma keep fighting.

I hope you keep fighting and doing what you were put on this Earth to do, too.

🧡 Tempest

I have a bit of news to share with you below, but down in the comments I want to hear your news. Tell me about the stuff going on in your life that you’d like to share. Can be great things, or not so great things, or a funny story, or an epic story. Share pictures, share laughter, share what’s troubling you, share wisdom.
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Originality podcast episode 31

Originality podcast episode #31: Being Transparent About Hating the Process

In this episode Aleen talks to Rosemary Orchard and we discuss getting over barriers to creativity, not holding yourself to impossible standards, and establishing a writing ritual that works for you. Also: do you trust strangers to watch your stuff in coffee shops? (I totally do…)

You can listen to the podcast below or on the episode page where you can see the show notes and also subscribe.

Originality podcast episode #30: The XOXO Episode

In my recent post about communities I talked about the importance of Finding Your Tribe. In this episode we discuss this in the context of the XOXO Festival and why creating intentional community spaces at conferences like this one matters. Also ways to get to conferences even if you don’t have the funds to do so.

Let me know what you think of this one in the comments!

You can listen to the podcast below or on the episode page where you can see the show notes and also subscribe.

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Originality podcast episode #29: Pantser, Plotter, Architect, Spy

In this episode we talk about the F word: failure. Bob Ross didn’t want you to be afraid to fail, and neither do we. So we discuss mistakes and how to frame those experiences to be productive instead of destructive. It’s not as woo-woo as it sounds, I promise.

You can listen to the podcast below or on the episode page where you can see the show notes and also subscribe.

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Originality podcast episode #28: 50% Art Stuff, 50% Life Stuff

In the past year I’ve had many occasions to think about the value of community and having a close-knit cadre of friends you can count on. It’s key to my mental health, my creativity, and everything that’s important to me. And that’s what this episode is about.

For about a year and a half I’ve been part of an artist’s collective with five other amazing woman who inspire me with their creativity and their compassion: Alethea Kontis, Monica Valentinelli, Stina Leicht, Shveta Thakrar, and Leanna Renee Hieber. I wanted them on the podcast to discuss the wonderful microcommunity we’d built and so I could talk with Aleen about how to take what we’ve done and apply it across time and space. Leanna, unfortunately, could not join us, but I got the other four together for a conversation and the whole thing turned out far better than I’d hoped.

This is one of the episodes of ORIGINALity I’m proudest of and I hope you’ll give it a listen.

It’s also a nice intro into a post going up later this week in which I expand on many of the ideas discussed here about community and trust. That one’s been brewing a while…

You can listen to the podcast below or on the episode page where you can see the show notes and also subscribe.

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Originality podcast episode #27: Once You Know the Rules You Can Break the Rules

In this episode Aleen and I talk about the line between inspiration and appropriation. We get into the value of learning by copying and also what questions to ask yourself to ensure that your final product isn’t still a copy. We also dip into the nuances of drawing from different cultures, how to interrogate what really interests you about that culture, and what to do when you mess up.

You can listen to the podcast below or on the episode page where you can see the show notes and also subscribe.

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Originality podcast episode #26: Everything is Really Difficult

In this episode we talk about habits and how and why they don’t work for everyone. We start with routines and how they often help prepare your brain can help you reach a more creative place (though not for everyone). Then we discuss how we use bite-sized goals and rewards to keep working, why “grit” is super annoying, and the importance of taking time to step back, look at the big picture, and be kind to yourself.

You can listen to the podcast below or on the episode page where you can see the show notes and also subscribe.

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Originality podcast episode #25: You Are Not Alone

In this episode Aleen and I discuss bring creative while under the mental toll of life in America in 2019. There are many potential ways to deal with this, including gathering up friends, family, and community who sustain your creativity, using data to figure out what works for you, when you should or shouldn’t listen to “experts” about how to create better, and why it’s good to ask for help when you need it.

You can listen to the podcast below or on the episode page where you can see the show notes and pictures of cats and also subscribe.

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ORIGINALity podcast episode #24: Bury Your Shoulds

Get your shovels, because in this episode Aleen and I discuss the dreaded “shoulds” and how to bury them so you can focus instead on what you want to be doing. We also talk about the importance of saying “no” to things, the powerful motivation of avoiding a 9-to-5 job, and how to find a word count goal that works for you.

You can listen to the podcast below or on the episode page where you can see the show notes and also subscribe.

Originality episode 23

ORIGINality 23: Avoiding Patriarchal Nonsense

In this episode I talk about my research trip to Egypt but first I delve deep into my life story to explain how it is I came to be writing a novel set in ancient Egypt in the first place. I’ve been researching Egypt for various projects since college, and the roots go even deeper than that. I talk about it all, including how The Patriarchy shapes what we understand about the past and how I’m looking to change that.

You can listen to the podcast below or on the episode page where you can see the show notes and also subscribe.