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Happy Pride + Ruby @ ALA + BIPOC Book Fair | June 2022 Tea Time With Tempest

Happy Pride, everyone 🌈

This month has been hard–especially here at the end–for a lot of us in America. One minute we’re celebrating Juneteenth, the next we’re mourning the loss of rights. I often get frustrated and angry about how little power I have to change things and how feeble the suggestions are for fixing what’s wrong with our country (voting is only the most basic thing you can do and not the most effective, but that’s a rant for another time).

However, a wise elder recently told me that I can’t hold on to frustration at what I can’t change. I need to focus on what I can and should be doing. I was put on this Earth to make art and build community. That’s how I’m going to contribute to making things better. Imma keep writing. Imma keep holding space for the marginalized. Imma keep fighting.

I hope you keep fighting and doing what you were put on this Earth to do, too.

🧡 Tempest

I have a bit of news to share with you below, but down in the comments I want to hear your news. Tell me about the stuff going on in your life that you’d like to share. Can be great things, or not so great things, or a funny story, or an epic story. Share pictures, share laughter, share what’s troubling you, share wisdom.
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