All right, everyone, no more begging for sponsors from me. The Write-a-thon has officially begun and I am hard at work on my stuff. I started writing the fanfic for week 6 even though LeVar Burton did not tweet about us. That’s okay, I know there is plenty of fan love to sustain me.
Also, I am happy to report that I met my goal and then some late last night! Hooray :) I still need to update the sidebar with the total, which I will do when I get home this evening. Thank you to everyone who sponsored, your support means the world to me.
I’ll be keeping everyone updated here on the blog, on Twitter, on Facebook, and on Tumblr.
Speaking of fanfic, it is all your fault that when I watched the last episode of Doctor Who, my brain turned it into a crossover with Breaking Dawn. ALL YOUR FAULT!