I’ve been forwarding the Carl Brandon raffle press release to everyone I can think of to get the word out. Right now we’ve raised quite a bit of money, but I won’t be happy until we’ve reached the goal in my head. I’m keeping it secret for now.
Anyway, it hit me that I should be sending the press release to book blogs as they will probably love the idea and post about it. But I don’t read many book blogs, so I don’t know who I should hit up. However, I know lots of you read them and I’d love to know which ones you like best.
How about:
http://www.dearauthor.com ? Although they are a romance-centered site, they are huge proponents of ereaders.
I will post the link on my blog – just one thing though; is it US only? The press release as I’ve seen it posted elsewhere doesn’t really make that clear.
Not U.S. only. The actual site says so. :)
And done! I hope it helps.
Oh, and how could I forget Color Online?
Here are four that deal with YA books.
Steph Su Reads: http://stephsureads.blogspot.com
Charlotte’s Library: http://charlotteslibrary.blogspot.com
A Fuse #8 Production: http://blog.schoollibraryjournal.com/afuse8production
The Happy Nappy Bookseller: http://thehappynappybookseller.blogspot.com/
Bookslut: http://www.bookslut.com
Hathor Legacy (although I may have seen something there already): http://thehathorlegacy.com/
I belatedly tweeted the link, and hopefully some of the romance readers that follow me will pick it up.
Reading in Color: http://blackteensread2.blogspot.com/p/about-reading-in-color.html
fashion_piranha: http://fashion-piranha.livejournal.com/profile
I wonder if Shelf Awareness would be interested.
It’s a daily newsletter that goes out to many, many people in the book industry.
How about the Book Smugglers? http://thebooksmugglers.com/