Cuz I just know my f-list is going to be:
Battlestar Galactica was so awesome!
Battlestar Galactica SUCKED, WTF was that!?
Battlestar Galactica OMG AWESOME!
Battlestar Galactica AHHHHHHH
Battlestar Galactica
Battlestar Galactica OMG AWESOME!
Ron Moore is not safe from my sharpened spoon!
Battlestar Galactica
Battlestar MOTHERFUCKING Galactica
(In a related note, I have the crazy urge to start posting fake BG spoilers: They were ALL Cylons! It was all the dream of an autistic 12 year old boy! Lorne Michaels showed up at the end and killed everyone!
People on my flist managed to provide as their subject lines two consecutive lines from All Along the Watchtower! In order!
So you are totally correct in your prediction.
Lorne Michaels? You mean Lorne Greene?
Oh my gosh, please, please post fake spoilers!!