This won’t be one of my LJ icons because of LJ’s stupid size restrictions, but it will show up on the main blog whenever appropriate:
23 thoughts on “New Icon”
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This won’t be one of my LJ icons because of LJ’s stupid size restrictions, but it will show up on the main blog whenever appropriate:
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Please tell me the David Anthony Durham one is NOT based on a real-life mistake because, like, I’ve already had one ‘damn people are ignorant’ head ‘splosion today…
hahaha no, I just threw that one in for silliness
But you were so great as Uhura.
(Hey, can we all get “I am not Tempest” tee shirts made, for if we’re standing next to you or something? Next Wiscon, you should do a photo of a few dozen people wearing “Tempest [] Not Tempest []” tee shirts with ticks in the appropriate box)
I love this idea!!
Do eeeeeet.
That’s hilarious! But wait, are you Nalo Hopkinson?
I’m shuddering to imagine what made this necessary – lovely job and good way to drive the point home, in any case.
ROFLMAO!!! I love it. I haven’t given up my idea of some kind of online game that would first display the correct face-name combos, then test players by requiring them to successfully match the faces of black SF writers to names. Those who fail would get shamelessly mocked somehow.
Too harsh?
ROFL. That is a fabulous icon.
Thanks for educating me on this very confusing matter.
[tee hee]
Love it!
Awesome. OMG. WTF.
No one would think everyon was Tempest if you didnt keep talking about it! Just like how racism would go away if people would stop bringing it up!
If the icon alone wasn’t enough to make me choke on my drink, this comment would have cinched it.
omg, dying over here.
I can’t believe I’m not in that icon.
AHAHAHAHAHA. I LOVE IT WITH LOVE. There’s gotta be a way to get it down to 40k … damn you, LJ …
When the WTF one came up, I almost died laughing.
Ha! Too funny. Too true. Too sad it’s necessary!
Lol forever!
The WTF one made me laugh out loud.