You know what I could really use? A robust To-Do List web app or software or Firefox Plugin or Thunderbird plugin or somesuch. It would really help.
So: lots of things in the works. I thought typing them here might force me to address some of them.
I recently bought and because I’ve been meaning to. I doubt anyone else was looking to snatch them up, but I wanted to get on it, anyway. is already pointing to a subdomain of my site and that’s where I’m going to put stuff relating to my non-genre writing and web production/tech self. Yes, it will be a blog. I doubt I will be very prolific over there. It’s more of a self-marketing/networking thing. I still need to set up that blog, though, so I’ll get to it tonight.
I really wish had better graphic design skills so I could make the graphics I want. Does anyone know where I can get my hands on images of old-time, round typewriter keys? will eventually point to this blog. So will be no more. All old links will still work, though. I think…
I’ve been needing to set up a new blog for my jewelry blog for a while, so I need to do that. The gallery site is in HTML, but I think that I may want to make it all WordPress pages. Maybe not. I’m using the Market theme for the store part, definitely, though it offers little in the way of making it look nice.
As soon as that is done, I have a plan that I alluded to the other day. I’m going to put up a poll with a short list of beads that I have and then a list of moods/emotions or themes or even a line from a story. Then I’ll beg everyone to vote on their favorite beads and their favoite mood/text/theme. I’ll use the winning combinations to make pieces of jewelry. Isn’t that fun?
One non-public project I completed recently was getting an NYC bank account (long story why I don’t have one) and creating a budget. I’ve been trying out and for keeping track of finances, spending, budgets, etc. So far I like Mint better because it has budgeting tools. I can say how much I want to spend on a category a month, then it will track how much I actually spend and alert me if I go over budget. Plus, it keeps track of the money I have in all of my accounts — bank and PayPal. Extremely useful.
I put my budget together for WisCon and discovered that I will need about $1,150 to cover airfare, hotel, food and fun spending. Eep. I am in need of roommates, by the way. I Have a Gov. Club room and having two extra bodies in there to help with cost would be absolutely divine.
I’m sure I’m forgetting other projects. Which is why I need a to-do list!
You might like Basecamp. There’s a free version that will do what you want. If you like it enough, you can upgrade.
Alas for Wiscon I have a room in my name that’s just a regular room, and now it’s tentatively full. I had thought you had folks to room with, so I didn’t bother to ask. Maybe next year?
How many blogs do you have at this point? ;)
There are tons of typewriter photos up on and
I’m using the Google calendar ( I set up a daily event with an emailed reminder so that I don’t forget to check it. is the font I was thinking of.
My giant photo clip collection has pics of a couple of old timey typewriters, but none of keys – let me know if you want ’em. is a to-do list with tagging and stuff.
It doesn’t have a feature that forces me to go and check it regularly, unfortunately, so it hasn’t fixed my life yet, but I like it pretty well otherwise.
I think I have a free font of old-timey typewriter keys if you’d like it. I’ll look thru my clip photo collection to see if I have any images, too. I’ll dig a bit later today.
I’m using the Remember The Milk widget for Google, and I’ve got my iGoogle home page set as my browser’s start page, so I automatically see to-dos with every new browser window. (I’m also using gMail and gCal, so I see that stuff too.) If I wasn’t using iGoogle, I’d never remember to check Remember The Milk.
I’d over to share with you, but I have Adrian and the two kids which might be a little too much social for most folks. I can’t wait to see you!!!