Ruby Finley is a Nebula Finalist | March 2023 Tea Time With Tempest

Nebula Award Finalist

Ever since I found out about this I’ve been vibrating with joy. Ruby Finley vs. the Interstellar Invasion is a finalist for the Andre Norton Nebula Award for Middle Grade and Young Adult Fiction. This is my first ever Nebula nomination and I’m beyond honored. Squeeeeee!

I’m up against some tough competition. The whole ballot is stuffed with great books and media and games. I’m in the best company.

This seems like a good time to point to this blog post I wrote on how the book came to be and this podcast episode where I talk about the publication process in more detail.

I hadn’t planned to attend Nebula Weekend this year. Problem is, with my Egypt trip coming up, I’m low on discretionary funds and can’t afford it. When I told my friend Alethea this she said I had to go then set up this GoFundMe to make it possible. (Have I mentioned lately that I have the BEST friends?) If it reaches the goal, I can go.
Continue reading “Ruby Finley is a Nebula Finalist | March 2023 Tea Time With Tempest”

Tea Time Header January 2023

Ruby Makes The Honor Roll + I Get Back Into The Creative Groove While Rethinking How I Use The Socials | January 2023 Tea Time With Tempest

I waited until the very last day of the month to send this update because I have been a busy bee. Last month I was invited to speak at the Jeddah International Book Fair. I had a wonderful time, as the pictures I took can attest. It was my first time in Saudi Arabia and I loved the entire trip. I didn’t get to see too much since I wanted to soak in all the goodness of the book fair. What little I did see made me want to go back someday.

I started the year off with a solo writing and meditation retreat. Sorely needed. I’ve been dealing with burnout for months and two solid weeks of only focusing on restorative things helped me start clawing my way out of it.

Now I’m settling in at home for two months of writing writing writing. I have a book due, a picture book to poke at, and a secret project to plan.

There’s some other news of interest below. Don’t forget to visit the comments and drop your own exciting news. I want to know what y’all have been up to :)

🧡 Tempest

In this newsletter:

  1. Ruby Finley Honored + Awards Season
  2. Pre-Ordering New Suns 2
  3. My Upcoming Classes
  4. Get Back In The Creative Groove With Me
  5. Social Network Updates

Continue reading “Ruby Makes The Honor Roll + I Get Back Into The Creative Groove While Rethinking How I Use The Socials | January 2023 Tea Time With Tempest”

July 2022 Tea Time With Tempest

New Suns 2 has a cover and Ruby Finley has an audiobook | July 2022 Tea Time With Tempest

This month I’ve spent a ton of time thinking about the future and what I want from it. There are several things on the horizon that could mean great things for my writing career and my bank account (woot), which means I can start thinking about where I want to put down roots. Yes, this nomad wishes to be in one place for a long time. Or at least have a good home base so I can launch myself wherever else I want to go.

Like many Americans, I’m very worried about certain national trends. More and more I’m leaning into the notion that survival means ensuring I have community and that the people in it are as dedicated to mutual aid, support, and caring for each other as I am. Wherever I land, that’s the top priority.

All the examples of this kind of community I’ve seen are based on location: neighborhoods, towns, regions. However, I have friends and loved ones all over the country and around the world. I want to know more about ways we can provide mutual aid across distances, and best ways to organize such. I’d love to hear from anyone with ideas or experience in that area.

In the end, we all have to take care of each other. That’s how we’re going to make it.

🧡 Tempest

I have a bit of news to share with you below, but down in the comments I want to hear your news. Tell me about the stuff going on in your life that you’d like to share. Can be great things, or not so great things, or a funny story, or an epic story. Share pictures, share laughter, share what’s troubling you, share wisdom.

Continue reading “New Suns 2 has a cover and Ruby Finley has an audiobook | July 2022 Tea Time With Tempest”