My birthday is a few weeks away and I intend to beat back the evil specter of oldness by acting completely childish that day. I’ll have dessert before dinner, eat fried foods, then smoke a bunch of hookah. We can all pretend that I don’t do these things on a regular basis.
My actual birthday is the 19th, but as that’s a Monday my party will be on the 17th. Details below:
We’ll start off at The Chocolate Room (269 Court St, Brooklyn) because they have the best chocolate desserts in the city. Then around 6 we’ll walk over to the Atlantic Chip Shop (129 Atlantic Ave between Clinton St & Henry St in Brooklyn) for Fish & Chips, which reminds me of my days living in that famed borough.
After dessert and dinner (around 8:30), we’re going to head over to the Lower East Side for hookah at my favorite place: Kazuza (107 Avenue A between 6th & 7th St). It’s usually really chill and laid back until around 11 or midnight, so I’d like to get there early. Come along if you like hookah or don’t mind the smoke! We’ll try the Blue Mist.
It’s going to be an awesome night of good food and awesome people, so please join for whatever portion of the evening you can drop by.
If you’re going to join us or think you will, please RSVP so I can make reservations and such the week before. If you’re on Facebook, you can RSVP here for dessert and dinner and here for the hookah portion. Otherwise, you can email be via the contact button on my website and let me know.