You’ve been waiting for weeks, and now the official announcement can be made: The Interstitial Arts Foundation is holding another auction to benefit the Interfictions anthologies. Yes, that is plural, because Interfictions 2 will be out this winter. The auction will coincide with the publication of the book, allowing us to create an artistic celebration and event for a book that does not exist in the world yet. I know, awesome, right?
But how, you ask, will we base creations on that which we have not read? Excellent question!
If you visit the IAFAuction Call to Artists you will see short excerpts from stories in Interfictions 2 floating around the page. Read them, flip through them (there are about 30 in all), find one that grabs you, inspires you, makes you want to read more. Then scroll down the page and fill out the participant form. There you can tell us about you and your art, tell us which story you like, and request that we send it to you.
Yes, that’s right. Participating artists get to read one story from the anthology long before it comes out. All you have to do is promise to donate the art or music you create based on that story to the auction. (Artists who participated in last year’s auction get a special surprise — email me!)
You can also base your art/music on fiction from the original anthology (available in fine bookstores and as a Kindle download).
See the website for more details and to ask questions. If you are not inclined to participate, please help us spread the word! We’d love to get submissions from artists and musicians of every kind, interstitial or not.