Ye Gods! How could I have forgotten? This always comes ’round after my birthday.
So! In case you don’t remember, here’s some background on today. The basics of it are: old guy in SFWA is all “waa waa how dare these people post fiction on the web so people can read it for free? It means I can’t sell my fiction for pay! waawaawaa…” and so forth. This was two years ago. Internet exploded in all the usual ways, but Jo Walton had the sense to commemorate and celebrate all the positive things that come from having free fiction online by inciting International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day. Every year the webscabs get their say.
I posted something on my heavily flocked journal thefirstdraft today and I don’t have much in the way of new stuff I can show you. But here are links to all the fiction I do have online:
- Until Forgiveness Comes at Strange Horizons
- The Seventh Reflection
- Elf Aware at Cafe Irreal and Podcastle
- Why I Don’t Drink Anymore at Abyss & Apex
To all pixel-stained technopeasents everywhere, I salute you!
The Why I Don’t Drink Anymore link is broken! :(
Here is the new link, apparently: http://www.abyssandapex.com/200303-why.html
oo thank you. I forgot that they updated their site a while back.