Why it’s a necklace based on my story. Woo! And it’s really, really beautiful. The artist is Deborah J. Brannon and, much to my surprise, she says it’s the first necklace she’s ever made. Way to come charging out of the gate there…
Deborah is the author of one of the most beautiful reviews of Black Feather, which she then incorporated into her artist statement:
…the story is a river: it fetches you in with intriguing shallows, soft eddies of water, refracting light as it swirls over half-obscured and winking stones. And then, once you’ve waded out so far, a strong current seizes you and pulls you under into terror and wonder and understanding.
!! Okay, go bid. You must. I insist. It’s so awesome!
(p.s. other awesomeness today includes a superfantasticohmygoditsamazing pendant from Elise. Bid on that, too!)
Thank you for the kind words, Tempest! I’m quite pleased that you’re pleased! And I seem to be blushing a bit. :)