I have less than a week to go before WisCon, hooray! Thinking of that made me realize that I haven’t posted my panel schedule here. It’s light this year and thus I will likely be a lot saner. But I am contemplating doing a panel in the overflow room. We’ll see. Meantime, here you go:
Chicks Dig Time Lords
Fri 4:00 – 5:15PM – Conference 4
Lynne M. Thomas, K. Tempest Bradford, Evelyn Browne, Kathryn Sullivan
There is a perception that there weren’t many women in Doctor Who fandom before the New Series was launched. This is patently false. Women have had a major role in Doctor Who fandom since the inception of the show. Do women approach and experience their Doctor Who fandom (or other media fandoms) differently than men? This panel explores different approaches to media fandom by the women involved in it, functioning within an assumed male–dominated fandom. Approaches to fandom discussed will range from feminist critique to costuming to fan fiction.
Chicks Dig Time Lords Reading
Sun 10:00 – 11:15AM – Michelangelos
K. Tempest Bradford, Mary Robinette Kowal, Kathryn Sullivan, Lynne M. Thomas
Writing the Other: Shout–Outs
Sun 2:30 – 3:45PM – Assembly
Nisi Shawl, K. Tempest Bradford, Moondancer Drake, Nabil/nadyalec, Michelle Kendall
Fail is not the topic of this panel; instead, we want to hear about where you feel like your group was well represented in fiction by someone from outside it. This panel is the carrot, not the stick!
Take Back the Sci–Fi: Redux
Sun 4:00 – 5:15PM – Caucus
Shira Lipkin, K. Tempest Bradford, Michelle Kendall, Rachel Swirsky
Sexual assault and rape frequently get used as symbolic plot devices, with no consideration of how sexual violence actually affects survivors and the people around them. Let’s discuss books that accurately portray the repercussions of and recovery from sexual assault, as well as those that merely use it as a shortcut to character development and those that end up glorifying it in the process—and how we can write about sexual assault and rape in a way that is true to the character and respectful to survivors. Note: this is a discussion of rape and sexual assault in fiction, and is not the place to discuss our personal experience with sexual assault.
Yes, the majority of my panels are on Sunday :) Which makes it likely that Saturday something fun will happen. Stay tuned.
As usual, you are on the panels that I would like to attend. Have a fabulous WisCon!
I’ll be at home, likely tied to my computer because I’m the duty tech at work from this coming Tuesday through the following Monday. Between calls from customers, I can pretend I’m there by swigging energy drinks and reading any liveblogging/tweeting that may occur.