Last week at KGB I came down (almost) directly from work, so I had work clothes on. The shock on people’s faces at seeing me in something other than jeans and a t-shirt was hilarious. Nora actually said, “Oh Jesus what happened to you!?” and I believe Genevieve’s exact words were, “You’re secretly a call girl now, aren’t you?”
Do you see why I never bother to dress up? Sheesh.
Anyway, I did stop by my apartment to drop off my bags and laptop and decided to finally wear the lovely necklace you see around my neck for the first time. It was a gift from the very talented JoSelle Vanderhooft and is based on Black Feather. I nearly fainted from the vapors when she first gave it to me. And it looks just as awesome on as it does in my little hands.
Here are some more shots of me in my shocking state of prettiness. This will have to tide you all over for another year or so, cuz if the faces of surprise people pull is going to be normal, I might as well spare people heart attacks!
See more KGB photos here. All taken by Ellen Datlow.
Necklaces and tiaras and I missed it :(
this is why you should always come to KGB, just in case something awesome happens ;)
You look great! That deep silver opalescence of the necklace, and the matte orange and red of the top – it’s awesome.
You look GORGEOUS!!
No, no, no. More treats, more. Because I wasn’t there, and why should your boss be the only person you dress up for? And the gasps and wonder? That was awe, girl.
That necklace is stunning, and you wear it well.
You look awesome! Those are great colours on you.
Now tell me where you got that gorgeous top.
Lane Bryant! But it’s not on the website. and it isn’t in half of the stores I went to in NYC. but run and get it now!!! cuz it is the awesome (and would look good on you).
Wait–you’re in a dress and Susan is in a T-shirt–Bizarro KGB!
And you got your pic taken with JPK? Squeeeeeeee!
(You do look great.)