Rachel Moss and the Situation She Created

Rachel Moss and the Situation She Created

Because of what Rachel Moss did, I’m completely angry. It’s not just her stupid actions, but the domino effect of them. She cannot escape culpability in this clusterfuck because she posted that not on her LJ, which has some potential for wank, but on a website where people are encouraged to be nasty and over the top.

And of all the things that she said and did, I have to say the worst is calling Moondancer’s little boy a nasty name. I mean, as much as the rest of that is some bullshit, the rest of us are adults. We put those pics on the internet and, sad as it is, the world we live in does carry the risk of assholes deciding to use them for fun. But you do not say something like that about a random child. I fully blame her for the fact that the SASS assholes moved on from making fun of us to making fun of other kids in the Flickr pool.

Now that I’m done writing the ABW post, I’m ready to say what I think we should do about this. Attacking them will probably not work, as these are professional internet assholes with too much time on their hands as it is. I’ll write to the admins about the guy using my picture as his avatar and see if I can get that taken down. But as for the thread and the people on it? I have a suggestion.

I want a bunch of people to register at SASS and start posting to that thread. But not attacks. Because attacks won’t do any good, not unless we can find some pictures of THEM to make fun of (which I wouldn’t bother doing, anyway, because what more can you say about people with so little going on?). No, instead I think we should just start posting nothing but pictures of horses and kitties and puppies and baaaaaby animals.

And some gay porn.

We need to flood them with so much noise that they abandon the thread. If they start it elsewhere, we just do it again.

[ETA: I got bored! This is sad. One day and I’m already bored with those assholes. And unless some of the below things I want happen (not that they should), I can’t even get up the energy to care about them and their board. I still have anyone’s back who needs me to have it, but they’ve already become bogged down in their own loserness, I don’t feel the need to keep worrying about them.]

What I really want is for someone to find the real names behind some of these people and post that somewhere. But that would be wrong and probably a bit impossible. Of course what may not be impossible is hacking the boards or initiating a DoS attack. But that would be wrong, too, and I would never suggest it. I can dream, though.

Also, this is my last post on this particular blog about Rachel Moss until I am done writing up my positive WisCon posts.

25 thoughts on “Rachel Moss and the Situation She Created

  1. The trouble with contacting the owners of some of these sites is that they created these place for the jerkoffs in the first place so they could say the types of things they are saying.

  2. This may have been said, but have you written the site administrator about it? Most are usually reasonable about stuff like that. Maybe even ban the guy?

    Unfortunately the internet is full of a$$holes like that. Their mom’s don’t monitor their internet habits or just haven’t kicked out their 30 yr old out of the basement yet. I’m sorry.

  3. They’ve taken to deleting my posts now. They haven’t actually disabled my accounts per se, but the posting isn’t working so well. I have a few more tricks I can try, but if they’re willing to work at deleting accounts and/or posts, then there’s just denial of service. I’m not going to do that, unless there’s call for it.

    1. They’ve started deleting your posts? HILARIOUS.

      They who dish it out have some difficulty taking it.

      1. Yup. Also, they just edited one of my posts to get rid of the offending picture and replace it with a filtered email of mine. They also tried to mess with the preferences setting of my accounts to prevent me from reading.

        1. Aww, poor trolls.

          How the fuck do they SUCK at trolling?

          Apparently, someone who can pwn them at their own game is something that they just can’t comprehend.


  4. “I want a bunch of people to register at SASS and start posting to that thread. But not attacks. Because attacks won’t do any good, not unless we can find some pictures of THEM to make fun of (which I wouldn’t bother doing, anyway, because what more can you say about people with so little going on?). No, instead I think we should just start posting nothing but pictures of horses and kitties and puppies and baaaaaby animals.

    And some gay porn.”


  5. I posted this over at ABW too, but they’ve started posting grossout dismemberment pics and such in response to the unicorns and carebears. it’s really stomach turning. so turn pics off, go there, post your unicorns, and run like hell.

  6. Thank you, Tempest, for saying all this. I am too angry to be very coherent. I was on one of those panels, and I am wondering if she was really in the audience or just came in, took pictures, listened for a few minutes and left. She quoted one person but just what she wanted to hear, and I think she quoted me completely inaccurately. I kept emphasizing that medicine does not understand the metabolism of fat very well, why people gain or lose weight. We talked about how dangerous weight loss surgery is. How important it is to accept yourself as a good person at whatever weight you are. Rachel Moss is a clueless bitch.

    1. She was there for the entire panel on “Fat is Not the Enemy”. I found out after she was taking photos of audience members during that panel. She also stalked several fat women from that panel throughout the con.

  7. Responding to the SA or SASS threads will be next to useless, however, if people could determine the real names of the posters, I’d venture that we are all two or three connections away from them on Linked-In, and if they were to get an email from someone they knew calling them on their shit, that might make a difference.

    As they say, “Ceiling Cat is watching you wear the crazy-pants.”

  8. I agree that more possitive stuff needs to go up about the con before we deal with this… (insurt nasiest insult here, c’mon ya’ll have good imaginations). I will do both soon, just need time to feel centered and more myself after all of the drama. If you have not read the ABW post, go forth and enjoy. I have (luckly) kept what was said from my son thus far, but he would be touched at his fan family jumping to his and his friends defence. We may not always agree with each other all the time, but we come together when it counts. To bad Ms Moss didn’t see that until she spit in the beast mouth and got her ass chewed off.

  9. I feel awful for you having to deal with that. I wish there was a way to email everyone’s SASS forum posts to everyone they ever had to deal with. I’m sure there would be some firings, divorces, and smacks in the face.

  10. What I really want is for someone to find the real names behind some of these people and post that somewhere. but that would be wrong and probably a bit impossible.

    Yeah, once Ms. Moss’ name actually came out and people started attacking her too… you know, instead of satisfaction, all I feel is more gut-sinking horror.

    (Kittens are brilliant, tho’.)

  11. I’m starting with some care bears, and I’m looking for some unicorns to follow up.

  12. To post an image you would need to get the URL for the pic, and then at the start you type [img] then paste the URL in then end it with [/img]

  13. I think that’s a cool idea. Posting pictures in forums can be tricky. Can someone who’s done it there tell us how they did it? Or is it just a regular tag?

  14. They’re trolls, and they’re enjoying the hell out of the links and the guests reading that awful thread. I can’t see any useful purpose in continuing to give them any attention.

    Also, it’s basically about five guys, so far as I can tell, posting over and over again. I hate to bring up a cliche, because it is all unbelievably offensive and horrible, but DNFTEC comes to mind.

  15. I’m not sure I COULD make myself sign up for an account. I made the mistake of reading ye olde SASS thread. As many times as my boyfriend said, “It’s SA–they’re ALL assholes,” I couldn’t believe how callous and rude and shallow those people were behaving. For the sake of a not-very-witty bon mot, they were willing to savage somebody else’s feelings. In fact, they seem to revel in the idea that they’ve hurt somebody’s feelings.

    (The whole “it’s a public space, so they shouldn’t whine about their pictures being on the internet” canard is annoying me too. It cut to the heart of their “Don’t inflict yourself upon the world,” attitude.)

    The whole thing is a pile of blech. (And on a day when I’m home sick* from work too.)

    *No, it’s not the infamous Creeping Con Crud. I wasn’t at Wiscon. Dunno what it is.

  16. I believe SinisterCat is feeling your pain today.

    Also, yes, calling a child who is not involved remotely in the situation a “little pussy” is far, far too complicated a speech for this situation. Can’t she just say “I would like a chain beating” like a normal person?

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