Apologies to those I offend with the title.
After having to deal with much worse people throwing that word at me more times than I can count in a small span of time, I suppose I have some strength left to roll my eyes at this shit. Someone’s using my picture as their avatar with the words 100% Nigger atop.
Oh good.
They really, really don’t know who I am, do they?
They are about to find out.
(ETA: *points and giggles at the people hitting the comment moderation queue. would feel sad they have no life, but is too busy giggling*)
hummm…I’ve had that harassment aimed at me too. I was online with two other people arguing with someone on racism . Soon they put up my avatar ( which was a cartoon stimulation of my essence) with that of two other ppl and asks why we were so ugly. Jeez….but I soon forgot it. Apparently the worst thing you can tell a woman is that she’s ugly!
Way back many years ago a small (black) child happily greeted me with a cheerful, “Hi nigger!” I’m white. Western European/British white as a matter of fact, and you’re not going to get any more honky than that.
I was a little ticked off about something else at the time, and so I did not take his salutation at all well. One of a pair of black gents assured me that the child meant nothing by it, while his partner carefully explained to the boy that you don’t call white folks ‘nigger’, it’s insulting.
So as an official nigger (and who would know better than a friendly black kid?) let me say, give those jerks a hard time.
I missed the part where all these guys are so man-gorgeous, they are posing nekkid with the French rugby team…
I expect nothing less from guys that really define FAIL AT LIFE.
I would say that they need to get a job, but you know, the stupid…it’s like a stench. Who the hell would want to be BOTHERED with shit like that? No employer in their right mind.
No, T, they do not know who you are.
As for their being about to find out, I am almost sorry for them.
Those creeps are lucky I can’t reach through the computer and bang their tiny heads together.
Can people run around using your picture without your consent? I mean, you’re not a celebrity–can’t you or the person who took the pic shut them down?
To add an arsenic cherry to the top of this shit-sundae: Their user name is “cleon.”
All I’m going to say is, it adds a whole other level of retard to the person who stole your picture.
I couldn’t look at this site at work, but now I can.
And, I, I just don’t have words. I’m so sorry Tempest.
I can’t even imagine.
I don’t know whether to cry or be angry or both.
I hope there’s some way you can press charges.
Just when you hope to forget what horrible people are out there in cyberland, you see shit like this. I think you are beautiful, and no matter what those little asshole peons say or do, they are totally beneath you. You will continue to move on and inspire with your actions and words, and they will always be pathertic.
Yeah, this shit is ridiculous. I don’t know where the hell this hateful group came from, or why the fuck they’re still going, but this whole ordeal makes me sick and they need to LAY OFF YOU. Jesus, you’re a professional who went to a convention. What on earth gives them the right?
Take Back the Tech directed me to a page of cyberstalking laws by state, which might help you out.
We’re all behind you. There’s no excuse for this kind of behavior, and you should never have to experience this utter crap.
I saw that when I browsed from the Amp post: Christ, I am so sorry. Any backup I can offer outside of sympathy, say the word ….
P.S. – After scrolling through the thread, I am struck by how incredibly pathetic that site is: 6 dim and hateful guys, congratulating themselves on the massive upsurge in traffic that they’re garnering; over a 100 people viewing! Wow! They must feel really popular on the internetz! Except they, a) don’t seem to realize that we’re all laughing (clear case in point of some days you gotta laugh, or you’ll cry) at them, and not with them, and that, b) you get more readers than that when you blog How You Spent Your Summer Vacation ….
I was describing the whole mess to a friend on #filkhaven, and he notes that his response to the original poster would have been, “Ah, so none of hem wanted anything to do with *you*?”
Oh, sweetie, have at them!
Would happily do anything you need me to to deal with these jackasses.
I saw this and was just about to email you about it when I saw this post. I am so appalled by the lack of simple humanity that these commentators show and really I have never wanted the ability to kill with my brain more than I do right now. Let me know if there’s something I can/you want me to do.
I saw that. I didn’t want to upset you with pointing that out. There must be something that can be done….
Well, I thought sites like that only were on CSI or so…
It appears you’ve found the place where the shallow minds of Generation Now hangs out. After reading some of those posts, I really don’t think that any justified comments from you would penetrate the ignorant mental maisma demonstrated by the people authoring those posts. Clearly, there was some essential something lacking during their formative years as their brains developed.
My eyes have been opened. Get ’em, lady!
OK, at this point you’ve got the law on your side — use of your image without your permission has got to be a violation of *something*. Not to mention WHAT THE FUCK.
I’ve been trying to ignore the SA side of this shit — that particular poster is straight outta Stormfront, looking at its other posts. But DAMN.
The hell?
I’ve just been malingering at work catching up with this horrorshow. This blows my mind.
What tiny-brained folk.
I also like how they’re responding to my assertion of the badassery of my Barda costume by posting pictures that, while not particularly flattering to me, show quite clearly that the costume is well-constructed and canon-accurate. So… Yeah. Fail! I mean, we knew there was a whole lot of stupid there, but srsly.
What the fuck is wrong with people?!?
Kick their ass, Tempest. My *god*.