Today is my mother’s birthday. Her name was Marjorie Bradford and she would have been 64. I dream about her still and miss her every day. I wrote Elan Vital for her. It’s been ten years and I still cry thinking about her. Like I am now.
Tag: family
Four Things Makes A Post (last day of vacation edition)
- My full Readercon schedule can be found here. I don’t know that I will actually be reading at the Interfictions 2 reading… or maybe we’re doing the thing where we each read for 2 minutes. I now have something to do on each day. When I’m not on a panel or attending one I’ll probably be hanging around the Prime Books table. There you will find copies of Sybil’s Garage and Electric Velocipede as well as Federations (and whatever else that doesn’t matter to me ;) ).
- My Week 2 story was complete in the early hours of Sunday morning. But it has no name, so I can’t send it anywhere. Boo! I hate titles.
- Today is the last full day I have to spend with my nieces here in Virginia. We went to Barnes & Noble and I bought them a TON of books. I tried desperately to interest my older niece in good stuff like Delia’s Changeling and Neil’s Graveyard Book but she wanted American Girls books. Save me. I did get her to buy Harry Potter, so that’s a start. I got a thrill when I saw Carol’s Graphic Universe books on the shelves. No Twisted Journeys, though. So I’ll have to send them to her. I have some age-appropriate Tiptree submissions I’ll send, too. I’m turning into the aunt that sends books. Hrm. (I also have a small friend in Texas who is getting some books soon, too.)
- Don’t forget that tomorrow is the Federations NYRSF reading. Click the link for deets and location and such.
Mother’s Day
This is a pretty sad Mother’s Day for me. All of my mothers are gone.
On the top row on the right is my Great-grandmother, Katie Bell Rembert (nee Finley). On the left is her daughter, my grandmother, Anna Ree Tidmore (nee Larkin). On the left in the second row is my mother, Marjorie T Bradford (nee Tidmore). I’ll let you guess who that little yellow child is.
Kate died when I was about three years old, well into her 70’s (possibly 80’s). My mother died 9 years ago, but it still really feels like yesterday for me. My grandmother died April 13th of this year at 89.
Not pictured is my father’s mother, also no longer with me. She died when I was around 9 or 10.
This year I get to remember them instead of sending flowers. So it goes.