I’m almost completely sure I did not see a netbook panel for WisCon this year (had to go though aaaaalllll the items the other week). Would anyone have interest in an informal technology meetup at WisCon where folks can talk about their netbooks, tablets, phones and other cool tech, others can ask questions and play with said cool tech, and we can pow wow about the tech we care about and why? There’s got to be some sort of feminist theme in there, right?
I’d be very interested in hearing if anyone has experience
With assistive tech and new tools.
I bought a Xoom and will be leaving my laptop at home and hoping I can do everything I want to do with the Xoom.
Yes! I’ll bring my iPad and such.
Well, I’m in, except I’d want to squee about my iPhone and iPad and I know you wouldn’t like that. But I ALWAYS want to play with your tech, Tempest. ;)
all right, all right, you can bring your silly iProducts ;)
You already know I’m perfectly willing to have people fondle my Sony Reader, so sure.