First, N. K. Jemisin has a story up on Clarkesworld that I heart mightily called Non-Zero Probabilities. This was the story she read a while back at Bluestockings and I’ve always liked it quite a lot. Go and read and then tell her how awesome it is!
Second, my Clarion West mate Charlie Allery placed second in the Robert A. Heinlein Centennial Short Story Contest, which is incredibly fancy. Her ToolPunk story, In The Shadows, got this bit of squee-worthy praise from Heinlein Society president David Silver: “It is a beautifully crafted pastiche of Heinlein themes and styles, and achieves the lyrical voice that Heinlein chose to employ in only the finest of his stories.” That’s a whole bucket of awesome right there.
Charlie’s story will be up on the Society’s website sometime in the next few months and I will point you at it. In the meantime, confetti and cake!
Hey Tempest, thanks for the plug! (Cheers, Alex!) Juat to clarify – the Toolpunk story (Loose Drawers) was up on PodCastle a short while ago. In the Shadows is, as it says, a Heinlein pastiche, completely and unashamedly and was written just for the contest. *g* Not so sure Heinlein ever succumbed to writing the equivalent of a toolbox with very loose morals!
Woot. Hooray for Charlie.
…Why’d you put that Jem pic on a post about me, huh? You know that ain’t right.
Thanks for spreading the word. =)
because Jem is truly outrageous! you must respect the outrageous.