More 1am stuff

I finally finished the last of my pieces for the IAFAuction plus one for the Tiptree auction at WisCon and something for myself.  Wanna see?  Nah, you don’t wanna see.  If you did, you’d click on the cut.

You totally want to see!

The auction piece, which will probably be one of the last auctioned off, is this earring:


It’s based on “The Shoe in SHOES’ Window” by Anna Tambour.  And yes, it’s one earring.  It’s meant to go in the left ear.  If you don’t know why, you’ll have to read the story to find out.

I made this one for the Tiptree auction:

Tiptree Shoes

Also obviously based on the story.  If you want to see the one I made for myself, you’ll have to wait until you see me.

Also, there are still some moments left to bid on the auctions ending today.  Some of them, anyway.